
Retail Kiosk

What if you could sell your products through a smart retail kiosk?


One of the things that makes SeedERP so special is its ability to easily integrate multiple sales channels for your business. You can do so much more than just sell online. With our automated retail kiosks, we give you a cost-efficient solution to easily setup satellite stores in high traffic areas, which allows you to promote your brand and sell direct to consumer with instant customer satisfaction.

Kiosk Features

Here are the core features that you will have access to when you start working with SeedERP:

Large Touchscreen Display

Creates an engaging user-friendly experience for customers.


For products that may require cooltemperatures for increased productshelf life, our refrigerated kioskskeep everything fresh.


Each kiosk can be easily moved and fit through most standard doorways.

Payment Integration:

We provide simple payment solutions that utilize magstripe or chip readers, as well as QR codes, that integrate with your merchant account.

Adjustable Dispensing

We use an advanced dispensing system that makes it easy to dispense a wide range of products with varying packaging dimensions and weights.

Cloud Connected

Each kiosk is connected to the cloud, which allows our clients to track inventory, view transactions in real-time, and capture more customer data directly through SeedERP’s platform.

Custom Brand Wrapping

We work with our clients to come up with beautiful and engaging designs to draw customers to the store

Huge Benefits

of Selling Through A Kiosk

Selling your products online is just the start to turning your business into a major nationwide brand. Why stop at just e-commerce?
SeedERP is a powerful platform that allows you to sell through a variety of smart sales channels.
Here are a few that we can help you with:

Low Startup Cost

Each kiosk acts as a satellite store location, saving you hundreds of thousands of dollars that you would have spent to setup a brick and mortar retail storefront. On top of that, each kiosk can easily be moved to new locations for better performance!

Brand Awareness

Your kiosk can be beautifully wrapped with your own branding, which acts like a billboard that promotes your products as people walk by. Even the touchscreen display can be customized with engaging call-to-actions that can change based on location and product mix.

Customer Data

When wholesaling your product to a retailer, do they give you customer data on those sales? Nope. With our kiosks, you’ll own all of your customer data, which means you can understand your customer better and continue to market to them even after they shop at your kiosk.

How Does

It Work?

Selling through our automated retail kiosks is easy. We do all the work for you!

1 step

Our team of designers will create beautiful wrap designs for your brand

2 step

We will setup the kiosk to fit your products regardless of size and weight

3 step

We’ll put the machine at any location that you have available, or one of ours

4 step

Our distribution partners take care of product replenishment for you

5 step

You sit back and relax while you capture more sales and customer data!

Want to setup a network of retail kiosks?